Jenn Saunders-Haynes
Women in Leadership / A Podcast Series by LANDED
Cultivating Leadership and Diversity in Global Catering: Insights from Subway’s Jenn Saunders-Haynes

Explore the dynamic world of global catering with Jenn Saunders-Haynes, Director of Global Catering at Subway. Discover how Jenn navigates the challenges and opportunities in the industry, emphasizing the importance of relationships, community, and leadership. Learn about her mission-driven approach to fostering diversity and inclusion, her involvement with the Miami-Dade Women's Chamber of Commerce, and her insights on the parallels between food and music. This episode provides valuable perspectives on creating meaningful connections and driving success in the hospitality industry.

We discussed..

Global Role and Impact: Jen discussed her role as the Director of Global Catering at Subway, highlighting how she collaborates with international partners to implement best practices and create cohesive strategies. She emphasized the excitement of seeing her work in the U.S. being adopted worldwide.

Importance of Women in Leadership Networks: Jen shared her experience with the Women's Miami Dade Chamber of Commerce, emphasizing the value of connecting with like-minded women in leadership. She highlighted the significance of having a supportive community to navigate the unique challenges women face in the corporate world.

Challenges and Advocacy for Black Women: We discussed the specific challenges Black women encounter in the workplace, such as the need to provide more evidence of competence and having their judgment questioned. Jen stressed the importance of being an ally, advocating for colleagues, and creating an inclusive environment.

Passion for Food and Community: Jen beautifully compared food to music, explaining how both evoke strong emotions and create lasting memories. She shared her personal connection to food through family traditions and highlighted the joy of catering for Subway, where she can contribute to meaningful experiences for others.

Jenn Saunders-Haynes

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